@gil.dev It is a LilyGo TDeck put together by Rokland. It is my first Meshtastic device. It has a sweet Blackberry like keyboard.
@gil.dev Oh I have a M1 Macbook Air and it is hands down the best computer I have ever owned.
@gil.dev Yeah, the desktop was compelling. Cool event all around.
@gil.dev Haha yeah. I have a butterfly keyboard MBP and luckily haven’t run into any issues.
@lex did something happen?
@gregmorris loving it so far. Cheers!
@gil.dev It shows micro.blog folks and replies to your crossposted stuff. You can’t reply to folks that aren’t micro.blog. You have to use other apps.
@gil.dev Here is the write up for the new app. gregmorris.co.uk/2025/02/12/m...
@patrickrhone thanks for sharing this. There are some great suggestions just from skimming.
@patrickrhone I feel like I am at constant war with the mailbox and I am never winning. So much mail that I don’t care about in the slightest just cluttering things up.
@aaronpk wow! That’s awesome!
@lex the closest I’ve seen to that is someone at Google that I know left for maternity leave in August and won’t be back until April.
@gil.dev BlueSky ✅
@gil.dev I have fallen down a rabbit hole 😂
I now have parts to build a base station using a Raspberry Pi and now I am looking at installing BBS software. I also bought a domain name 😅 youtu.be/d6LhY4HoimU?...
@marktechson.com Get well soon, friend!
@gil.dev But I was just getting my day started 😅
@manton thank you and @danielpunkass for everything! I enjoyed yalls podcast for years now. I did not have any particular stake in Apple development but I enjoyed the conversations that you two had. The insights into your how you run your businesses was always interesting. 🙏🏾
@jillcortez.bsky.social Oh wow. I didn’t realize this would be your first time. No humidity is amazing except when the heat dries things out too much 😂
@gil.dev I’ll have to ask you about Disneyland. I’ve always wanted to go.
@gil.dev Thank you!
@gil.dev Thank you!
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